Burma Bike Ride for Thames Hospice

It’s that time of year again! Our intrepid adventurer founder, Glenn and his wife Elaine are setting off this autumn/winter to cycle across Burma! Last year they hiked around Madagascar in aid of Myeloma UK after their dear friend passed away.

This year the pair have decided to take their 11th charity challenge to Burma and are raising money for Thames Hospice, a fantastic local charity very close to their hearts.

Thames Hospice provides expert medical, nursing and therapeutic care to adults suffering from life-limiting illnesses. They rely on donations to fund up to 80% of their operations, without many dedicated fundraisers the charity would not be able to provide the valuable support and care that affects so many patients.

Glenn and Elaine fund their trips themselves and in the past this has encouraged donations from friends, family and business associates. Here at Glenn Flegg and Co., we are all very proud of the example they set and are often dumbfounded by their commitment to raising money for worthy causes by taking part in challenges that seem completely bonkers!

Burma is situated between India and Thailand and so, while the weather and humidity will be a big factor in this gruelling challenge, the terrain is also less than bicycle friendly – with deep valleys and mountain ranges dominating the central part of the country. Glenn and Elaine will surely have their work cut out for them.

The challenge is listed as ‘DEMANDING’ by Discover Adventures, and the pair will be cycling across mountain ranges, on dirt tracks and through rural villages on their journey, covering anything between 78-115Km per day for 7 days.

We would love to help them to reach their goal of £3,000!

If you, or anyone you know has used the Thames Hospice and would like to help Glenn and Elaine to reach their target please visit their JustGiving page where you will be able to donate. Every penny goes to the charity and if you are a UK taxpayer, make sure you tick the GiftAid box!

If you would like to see how they get on make sure you follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for all the updates from the leading estate agents in slough and the surrounding areas!

Feature image credit: apiguide

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