A Segway into some team bonding

At Glenn Flegg we are always looking for new ways to strengthen our team. Whether that is by recruiting to add extra capacity or by running team bonding days to get out of the office and enjoy each other’s’ company.

In the past we have had office trips to Windsor Races and various other fun activities and we’ve always returned to work feeling refreshed and ready to work together on providing the great levels of service that have made us the leading estate agent in Slough and the surrounding areas!

This time around we decided on avoiding the pub (initially) and venturing out into the beautiful countryside which surrounds us. We chose to take the team out on a little adventure around the greener parts on Segways.

Anyone who has ever been on a Segway will know that they require coordination, physical skill and balance. Not necessarily traits you might associate with our team but we had a fun filled day zipping around the tracks in the forest. Although a few of us (Simone – pictured) had the occasional fall we generally managed to escape without serious injury having had lots of fun.

We were expertly trained and briefed by the team at Go Ape in Bracknell and then we were off. The heavy duty Segways were brilliant and we got to enjoy the ‘Segway Safari’ navigating through the beautiful Bracknell Forest – we even saw some of the local wildlife, although no one was ‘David Bailey’ enough to get a snap of the wildlife, just Simone & the team.

After all that excitement we retired to a local public house for some well-earned dinner and drinks, where we went through some of the team’s suggestions on how to make Glenn Flegg the best place to work. We’ll be taking some of the suggestions with a large pinch of salt as we’re not sure ‘More Nudity’ is going to help us sell or rent houses – but who knows… maybe there’s a niche in the market.

If you would like to speak to someone about buying/selling or renting a home make sure you get in touch with the leading estate agents in Slough and the surrounding areas. You can give our Langley branch a call on 01753 546655 or our Burnham branch on 01628 666666 or even drop us an email. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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